November’s Gift of ThanksGiving
"Outdoor Cathedral" by Gail Lois Jaffe © 2008, Gouache on Paper
Hello Friends,
I am pairing this month’s painting, “Outdoor Cathedral” with the Ho’oponopono Hawaiian prayer as they complement and inform each other:
“I’m sorry
Please forgive me
I love you
I thank you”
This powerful and beautiful prayer helps us to release ourselves from the unseen enemy — which is usually ourselves! When we go into our Outdoor Cathedral it takes us into our Indoor Cathedral — our Heart — which brings us into Sacred Space. From this place we can experience and make our choices from love, peace and forgiveness. This takes us to a place of Gratitude and ThanksGiving.
This prayer helps to release us from any relationships that didn’t allow open hearts, respect, and communication. Relationships that sadly couldn’t be renegotiated to include those aspects. But hopefully this makes room for new relationships, beginning with our own Self, that allow for mutual respect and joyful interaction.
This prayer helps us to have peace within regardless of the outcome of any relationship. So does entering into the Outdoor Cathedral which leads to the Indoor Sacred Cathedral. We are led to this point of entry in many ways. Among them: being in nature, a meditation practice, creating art or poetry, listening to music, looking at artworks, cooking, sewing, prayer, friendship, and community.
What is your personal way of entering that place of inner peace? I’d love to hear from you :)
With love and gratitude,
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones❤️